Each summer from June through September Toddy Pond water is tested for clarity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen. The testing is done at the deepest spot on Toddy with a depth of approximately 125 feet. It is located about 500 feet north of Long Point. A probe is lowered into the water. Starting at the surface, readings are taken every meter down to approximately 30 meters. This procedure measures the water temperature and oxygen in the water.
Water clarity is tested the same day using a device known as a Secchi Disk. This disk is lowered into the water until the white of the disk can no longer be seen. The depth readings for clarity become less as the water temperature increases during the summer. The depth readings for clarity in the fall become more as the water temperature decreases.Wind and bad weather can sometime interfere with the testing date so the next possible day is chosen to proceed.
We welcome new and interested members to our committee.
Respectfully submitted,Matthew Scott, Aquatic Biologistmscottafs@gmail.com
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